On 17 March 2015, education ministers from across the European Union met in Paris. Under discussion was how education and training can best meet the challenges of social inclusion, radicalisation and citizenship so brutally manifested in recent terrorist attacks. The result of this discussion was a common declaration on how Education should foster the development of European Citizenship as response to radicalisation of youth. This document has a strong influence on the Erasmus+ programme since it has been issued. Leaflet produced by the European Commission with more background information on the Paris Declaration. 8/6/2016 Smarter, greener, more inclusive - indicators to support the Europe 2020 strategyRead NowThe 2015 edition of ‘Smarter, greener, more inclusive? — Indicators to support the Europe 2020 strategy' continues the series of Eurostat flagship publications providing statistical analyses related to important European Commission policy frameworks or important economic, social or environmental phenomena. It provides statistical support for the Europe 2020 strategy and backs up the monitoring of its five headline targets.
The analysis in this publication is based on the Europe 2020 headline indicators chosen to monitor the strategy's targets. Other indicators focusing on subgroups of society or on related issues showing underlying trends help deepen the analysis and present a broader picture. The publication presents official statistics produced by the European Statistical System and disseminated by Eurostat. The updated 2015 edition covers the period from 2002 or 2008 up to the most recent year for which data are available (2012 or 2013).
Official brochure EC on Europe 2020 strategy
Official document EU Youth Policy 2010-2018
Legal basis EU Youth Policy 2010-2018