Yout(h)echnologyYout(h)echnology was a 6-day training course on project management and technology. It aimed to develop the competences of the participants in social media and the use of technology for them to create their own projects or to develop projects in their local youth organisations.
The training course took place from 01st to 07th May 2023 in Benediktbeuern, Germany. |
Travel Beyond!'Travel Beyond!' was a training course on social entrepreneurship and social tourism, exploring how Erasmus+ can be used to finance local and European youth projects.
Out of the box'Out of the Box’ was a training course on creating and developing new projects within Erasmus+ whilst learning best practices on how to maintain a project and give it life.
Youth hatch !“Youth Hatch! – Incubator for social innovation in youth work” was a 6-day training course focussed on project management and social entrepreneurship in EU youth work (Erasmus+), aiming to develop social entrepreneurial skills for youth workers and volunteers in youth work.