Don Bosco Youth-Net
Our international secretariat is based in Heverlee, Belgium |
How are we financed? |
Don Bosco Youth-Net ivzw is financed through public funds, private grants, donations and membership fees. We receive a operating grant from the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme, as well as a structural grant from the Council of Europe through their European Youth Foundation. For our projects we also work together with these institutions. You can find more information on this in the finance section. We are proud to state we do our work with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, and the Council of Europe's European Youth Foundation. For DBYN this institutional support means a recognition for the work our member organisations and volunteers are doing in the European field of youth work.
Want to know more?
On our homepage you can find more information about the history and work of our network, our governance structures, our actions, and the impact we reach with those actions.