What is the European Youth Foundation?
Funding available?
PrioritiesIn order to obtain the EYF's support, it is essential that your project falls within the Council of Europe's values and work, and the priorities of the Youth Sector.
Gender mainstraimingSpecial attention will be given to applications integrating a gender perspective. This should be clearly explained in the grant application. Gender perspective does not mean having an equal number of female and male participants. You should try to develop your project looking through different gender glasses, taking into account the needs of young women and men. More information on gender mainstreaming www.coe.int/equality and our gender mainstreaming page developed having in mind youth NGOs.
EYF officesThe European Youth Foundation is based in Strasbourg, a city with a rich and agitated history; bicultural through its belonging to France and Germany at different times in the past. Strasbourg is a place of reconciliation between nations. The offices are in the European Youth Centre (EYC) (30 Rue Pierre de Coubertin 67000 Strasbourg France), an international training and meeting centre with residential facilities, hosting most of the youth sector's activities.
The information on this page is directly from the European Youth Foundation’s homepage. For more detailed information, more resources, access to the online application system … please visit their homepage at: http://www.coe.int/en/web/european-youth-foundation/home.